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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Nikon d80 or Canon Rebel xsi?

Question: Nikon d80 or Canon Rebel xsi!?
They are the same price!.($899)
This will be my first DSLR!. I want to invest in a good camera for photography school and a career later on!.
also, would it be worth the price to just go for the Canon 40D or should I invest the money for a lens for the the $899 camera!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Nikon D80 and Canon XSi are great cameras!. However, the Canon 40D is in the same price range as the Nikon D200; in which case, the D200 would be the better choice!.

If I were starting out, and was not planning to go that far in photography, I'd pick up the Canon XSi!. It's a good camera, but the Nikon D80 is more substantial!. Invest in a few good lenses, depending on what you want to shoot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both Nikon and Canon make the cameras that the pros use!.

Photo schools usually start the student out on a 4x5 view cameras or a 35 mm SLR camera!. Digital photography is usually covered much later in your courses!.

Of all the current DSLR camera's the Nikon D300 has many features that are superior to the Canon 40D !.!.!. auto-focus in the live mode is but one of the ways the Nikon is a better choice!.


I would say D40 for learning!.!. Cheap+Quality+Easy to use!.
save your extra money to buy the accesories you would need



I would get the Rebel spend the difference on glass (lenses)!.
