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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How can i make a picture look thermal or somthing?

Question: How can i make a picture look thermal or somthing!?
well i wanna make a picture i took look thermal is there a site where i can do that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
FotoFlexer ~heat map

Picnik ~heat map

Blibs LunaPic ~thermal or rainbow animated,

Thermal image sensing cameras cost from $25,000 and up!. They "read" the temperatures of the subject and produce "false colour" images based upon pre-determined colour assignments for each temperature range!.

Some times this is called "density slicing" and is a complex post production process that assigns certain colours to each density range of a give imageWww@QuestionHome@Com

Try using external flash/strobes and color gels!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a pretty good, and easy site to do all sorts of things to your pictures!.