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Question: Dust Problem on my D40!?
I just got my D40 today and there is a piece of dust that was on there from the start!. I cleaned the mirror and the top thing for the view finder and it's still there so im guessing it's the back part that is exposed when you take the picture, what should I do to clean that!? THx!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
So are you seeing the dust as a black speck at the same spot in all your photos, or are you only seeing it when looking through the viewfinder, but your photos are fine!?

If the speck is on your photos, it means dust is on your sensor, and you will have to do a sensor cleaning procedure!.


Steve is right!. If the "dust" does not show up on your image file, then when you get around to it, have a pro clean it for you!.

Please don't tell my you touched the mirror!. That is the most sensitive part of your camera you should never touch it!. It is a front surfaced mirror and VERY susceptible to scratching!.

Here is what you can do to clean your camera !.!.!. safely
