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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Dark rain cloud picture photoshop?

Question: Dark rain cloud picture photoshop!?
ok so I have this picture that shows the road and the sky is in it as well!. There are no clouds in the sky!. I was wondering if anyone knew of a tutorial or how to create rain clouds in photoshop!? also i need the road to look wet, or all the ground in general because it would be wet if it was raining, any tutorial on that as well (i was thinking maybe a filter)!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We uses to superimpose cloud shots in bald sky's in the days of film!. I am sure you can do the same thing using Photoshop, but in less time!.

All you need are some stock shots of some amazing clouds with lighting to match the lighting on your subject and you are goldenWww@QuestionHome@Com