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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Have you ever gotten hurt/almost hurt while you were doing photography ?

Question: Have you ever gotten hurt/almost hurt while you were doing photography !?
Well for me today it was a pretty close call !. I was on the floor on our driveway , and i was really concentrating on taking a shot of a flower !. I was so concentrated that i didn't noticed that there was a car coming into my yard, and the person that was driving was going backgrounds and i was on the floor !. Then i turned around and the butt of the car was right in my face , i had to roll out of the cars way !. I didn't even know the dude ,and I don't think he even noticed that he almost ran me over !. So then he just starts to walk around in my yard and he starts to hook up a attachment/trailer thingy to his car , and two of my neighboors recently got robbed , so i was thinking i didn't know the dude and here he was in my yard attaching it to the car !. He didn't notice me so i took a shot of him , just in case he was a robber !. So i ran inside with my cat , and i called my dad outside , and it turned it was my Aunts bro who came to pick it up!. I now know not to take shots on the floorWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Most sports and action photographers get "run over" from time to time!.

I have torn my ITB on my right leg (shooting skiing shots), ankle, leg and knee injuries from hard landings during parachute jumps and a few cracked ribs shooting American football!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i've had some pretty close calls, but haven't been injured yet (yet being the operative word here!.)
when shooting subjects like this:
i let the fence be the fence, i am NOT getting in there!. Period!.
and i will be shooting some bison in a couple of weeks, and they have pointy horns and pointy hooves and they weigh a lot!.!.!. so i will be extra careful!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I slipped down the icy stairs carrying a location lighting kit at school!.!.!. that thing is so heavy! I was actually more concerned about the equipment than myself!.!.!. LOL! Luckily, I got away with just a scab on my knee and a bruise on my ankle!.!.!. and the equipment was fine!. Scary though!Www@QuestionHome@Com

When shooting from the sidelines of local high school football games I have been run into several times!. In 2004 at a play-off game my right foot was stepped on by one of our players!. It broke the little toe on my right foot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not me personally, but I did bump my sister's head while lowering the camera stand for the view camera in the studio at school!.!.!. oops!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, got my foot caught between some rocks this morning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What was your question!? Funny story by the wayWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have not been hurt yet ( fingers crossed, knocking on wood) But I have had some close calls due to the nature of pictures I take!.
I frequently find myself scaling small mountains, hiking dangerously far into the woods ( thank god for gps)
I am always looking for the one shot that no one else has ever taken!.

The closest I came to actual death would have to be in Northern California while I was hiking around, I found a perfect spot 300 feet up this cliff, set up my equip!. and waited for the magical hour when out of nowhere this cougar or mountain lion jumped by me, I think I startled it as much as it startled me, but never the less I high tailed it out of there, the only thing I grabbed was my camera, I went back later the next day and got the rest of my stuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have done lots of silly and painful things because of intense concentration on making a shot - I run a lot when the light is changing, i do alot of outdoors shooting!.

!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.So yes health and safety are not a boring seminar or lecture - they are really important!. Good pros are always careful with leads and cords and tripods and light stands and tools!. A shoot needs to be clean and tidy and well organised!. I like to gaff tape cords and leads if using big constants once their arrangement is decided if they will be in place for more than a few minutes!. So its about being preactive! Next time put a wheelbarrow or hazzard cone in the drive so you have some protection or use the dude as your assistant to watch your back!.

You rambled in your question so i rambled bak!. :)


As I mentioned, I've done a lot of beach photography, and a couple of times I've come close to slipping on rocks!. But in all honesty, I think my camera is in more danger than I am!.

I'll get a thumbs down soon!. Most likely from the same person who gave thumbs down to both Ace and Antoni, who gave good answers by the way!. I reckon Y!A should allow us to see who gives these ratings!.

Ace and Antoni have two thumbs down each now, yet the first answer has nothing to do with the question, and has no thumbs down!. This is aggrivating!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha thats a good one,
heres my story!.
so i love taking highway pictures and i walked to one near my house to take some cool aperture shots and lighting shots and i was with two of my friends who also shoots with me!. so anyway there we were and almost right in front of us there was a drunk driver going at least 100 and rear ends a guy not even 10 feet away from us!.
we were questioned by an officer as witnesses and didnt get in trouble because we were on a field next to the highway(lying!)!.

but everybody was okay no one died and the drunk went to jail and we were all fine!.

it was so dramatic and scary, having that happen right in front of us was just mind blowing!. so we went back the next day(haha)!.

so that was my closest to getting hurt thing while taking photos!. hope you enjoyed that one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm glad you didn't get hit! I was almost ran over by my mother about ten years ago when I ducked down to pick up some dropped pokemon cards!.

As for getting hurt while taking pictures, that has happened as well!. I had just taken a few pictures of a fungus and had to walk back up a short, but steep hill!. It was right after a rainfall and I was in the forest, so the leaves were wet!. I was holding Myles (my dog) when I slipped going up!. Somehow, I managed to gently set Myles down before slamming my knee onto a stick!. It hurt for a few days after that and left a nice bruise!.

Here is the exact photo that I took before I slipped (its not even that good):