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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Best camera for my situation?

Question: Best camera for my situation!?
Im about to do alot of traveling and hopefully see alot of things that I want to remember
For long range and close up picture taking, and taking moving pictures that wont get messed up with light and stuff (and able to take black and white pictures) what would be my best bet if my budget is about 800$
Sorry if this question is a little confusing, I just need some options

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you can use Either DSLR like canon xti or nikon d40

if you want something with video on it, try getting canon s5is this is a pretty good camera!.!. because it zoom pretty far unlike DSLR , you have to buy a telephoto lens!.

dlsr is also nice,!. it only cost around $600 with 55mm lens
(canon xti)Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!. ummmm!.!.!. I think your best option is to invent your own camera, because I don't think one exists that does what you want!.



never go wrong with a trusty old kodakWww@QuestionHome@Com