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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do negitave scanners work well?

Question: Do negitave scanners work well!?
I saw this thing that scans your negs onto your computer and then you can do all the photo editing things to it!. Do they really work!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Check out the HP scanjet G4010!.!.!. I use it on a daily basis!. I scanned slides and fell out of my chair to see the quality that came out!. Same with negatives!.!.!. It's a little expensive but worth every dollar!.

I also use the UMAX but, costs in the $1500 range!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good scanner, when used properly, will generally work exceptionally well!.

Proper use means taking the time to get the film clean(no dust or fingerprints) and loading it properly into the negative holders!. It also means correctly using the exposure settings on the scanner software to ensure that you're getting the best representation possible of the image on the film!.

Film scanner come in a couple of broad types-namely flatbed scanners which are able to scan film, and dedicated film scanners, which only scan film!. Dedicated film scanners will generally always do a great job!.

Flatbed scanners can do a great job, but they can also do a poor job!. Ideally, a flatbed scanner should have a separate lamp in the top to illuminate the film-the ones which just have a reflective surface don't work well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com