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Question: Character Day! Dont know what to be!!?
Please help me!. Character day is this Thursday and I don't know what to dress up as!. The school said I could dress up as a storybook character, a fictional character, movie character, singer or anything!. I need creative people here and think of something awesome, not plain and dull! I am 14 years old, Grade 10!. Any ideas!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you are 14 yrs old and you are in the 10 grade!?! anyway if u want something awsome u should be!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. sponge bob!!! yea!! ok get 4 pieces of cardboard and put then together just right so that it fits on your head!. then paint it yellow let it dry and then paint black holes on it!. buy brown pants and a black belt at like Goodwill and then get a white shirt and black tie!. if you really want to get down with it, then paint yur face yellow with black holes too!. And yur sponge bob!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look at some of your favorite movies or books, I'm sure you might find at least one!.!.!.
You could be a character from the Chrinicles of Narnia, they have lots of great characters to choose from!. For instance you could be Orius the centuar, with his three huge swords, and his armor!.!.!.or High King Peter!.
You could dress as a super hero, like spider-man, or one of the Fantastic Four!.!.!.
Or try someone from Lord of the Rings, or maybe even a character from the Redwall series by Brian Jaques!?
Or how about someone from Pirates of the Carribean!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

We had this once, but I was in 6th grade lol!.
Anyways, I went as Little Red Riding Hood, but other people went as Michael Jackson, Santa Claus, and A dwarf from Snow White!.
Somebody went wayyy over the top and got a lion costume and went as the lion from the Wizard of Oz!.
Sounds cool, have fun!. I know I did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A power ranger!Www@QuestionHome@Com