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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Licensed photographer or unlicensed?

Question: Licensed photographer or unlicensed!?
Do you need a license or certificate to take a photograph of strangers such as the ones Robert Doisneau does!? A moment ago, I was watching this Australian show called "Surf Patrol" and this man was on a beach taking photos of people and the security people told him off but he then showed them some kind of document!. So I was just wondering if a license would do any difference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Some public and private areas require a photographer to obtain a photo permit to shoot any commercial photographs!. This includes sea shores, parks, recreation areas, etc!.

Photo permits can cost from $25 to $2500 per day depending upon the eventual use of the images!.

You can check with some of the film boards for various cities and see if they list the cost of various shooting permits!.


* Any business usually needs some kind of business license so the city, state, etc can collect their taxes!.
* Editorial photographers have press credentials and usually a special venue press pass as well when shooting for papers or magazines!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

short answer no you dont*****

some photographic training would help a lot,


No license or schooling is REQUIRED to be a photographer, however a PRESS PASS is required at some events!.

A complete press package is available from IFPO (International Freelance Photographer's Organization) http://tech!.groups!.yahoo!.com/group/IFPO_!.!.!.
tell them you were reffered by beauxpatrick #12321
This pass will get you into just about any event even the White House press pool!.

I've been a member since the 70'sWww@QuestionHome@Com

In Canada, you can take photos wherever you want as long as its considered a hobby!. But a Press Pass is needed only if you want to go in a VIP Lounge, and have easy access to take photos of lets say, a singer or musician!.

Generally, if you have contacts, you don't need a press pass or what not!. I go behind stage through one of my contacts and take pics !.
NOW, I am not selling this BUT, if you are planning to make $$$ with it, its a whole new ballgame and will agree with Fhoto and Beaux!.!.!.!. !! Certain events can be more complicated as to getting a backstage pass as I call it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com