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Question: Writing on pictures!?
You know when you find a great picture on the internet, but it has the company' s name all over it on top of the picture!? How do you get rid of the writing!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Do you keep a diary!? Do you keep it locked!? What if I was asking people how do I break the lock so I can see and use the contents of the diary!?

Do you have a locker at school!? Do you keep it locked!? What if I was asking people how to break the lock so I could have all your possessions in your locker!?

That is not "writing" on the photo!. This is COPYRIGHT stamping!. It is there to remind you that the photo BELONGS TO SOMEONE ELSE!.!.!.!. NOT YOU!. You have NO right to try to remove the "writing" for your personal use!. In fact, that is copyright infringement and is AGAINST THE LAW!. Do you want to be SUED for doing this if you are found out!? You can be!.

If you really want to use the photo, try contacting the source of the photo and arranging to purchase the right to use it!.


hmm well you could join photobucket then upload the picture onto photo bucket and erase it (photo bucket has an etitor) and then save that one then do whatever you want with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Buy the picture from the company!.Www@QuestionHome@Com