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Question: Art therapy!.!. i guess!?
used to be quite the artist!.!.
i'm not really sure why i quit!.

i feel like i lack creativity
and when sitting down to draw something
i can't think of anything!.!.

i'm having loads of emotional problems right now!.!.
i guess i'm just wondering how i would get those on paper
are there exercises or anything to help!?

i think it would really help me to start drawing again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For the best result, consult an art therapist about how to continue this!. From lessons I have sat in on and lectures on art therapy in other art classes I have learned:

After you are ready to express yourself, pick a color that feels like the emotion your want to express!. Instead of trying to think of an image that matches it, move like the emotion makes you feel!. When you are sure you have the movement right, transfer it to your hand and create that movement on the paper/canvas!. It's just the feeling you want!.

Now, let the piece sit for a few days!. When you go back to it, ask yourself if it really does express that feeling!. Do this as often as you feel you need it!. Even use it as a warm-up for when you want to paint as a way of freeing-up pent-up emotion that is blocking your creativity!. Don't expect instant vision or efficacy, but keep at it!. Often when you begin the journey to unblock difficult emotions you also unleash great creativity!. Just "go with the flow!."

also read up on abstract expressionism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com