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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Please help me. I need help and ideas. if you don't help me I don't know

Question: Please help me!. I need help and ideas!. if you don't help me I don't know who will!.!?
What pictures should I draw to demonstrate this sentence!?

On January 1, 1863, Licoln formally signed the Emancipation Proclamtion!.

Please be creative!. I'm not a very good drawer so the pictures should be simple as possible!. Thank you in advance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
get a copy of the emancipation proclamation and draw it instead of lincoln, and have an old fashioned pen on top of it!. that would require less skill because you can find images of both easily and not have to draw a person

Like this:
but replace the paper with the Emancipation Proclamation and the pen with an old one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you should have the camera angle standing behind lincoln, to show his hat/beard, with him holding a piece of paper against the wall (him holding it), the date on top of the paper should say january 1, 1863 in medium print and right under it it should say the emancipation proclamation, in huge black letters, and at the bottom of the piece of paper, it should a have a line saying sign here, and have him writing his name in cursiveWww@QuestionHome@Com

Here's the link that answers your question:


A group of black men and women dancing, holding hands as they swirl around in a dos-e-doe barnstomping dance!Www@QuestionHome@Com