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Question: Painting!?!?!?!?
I feel blocked!.!. I try to realse my energy in painting and lately i just get frustrated and end up throwing things at the wall the try to release it!.

any pointers!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Painter's Block! Aargh!
We all get there every so often!. Find your spiritual source (muse) and spend time there!. Take a break for a day or two, or longer if you need it!. Read a book that is totally off the subject, watch a movie that makes you cry (very good for releasing frustration,) and most of all: don't try to force art out of yourself!. Sometimes the "well of inspiration" needs to refill itself!.
Don't: doubt your direction in life or art, give up entirely, get drunk, throw anything other than paint -which is cathartic and fun!. You know what they say -"Go Big or Go Home!" When it comes to throwing paint, with a tarp underneath, of course, the only rule is that you don't stop until you're feeling better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have done this before and is so calming and fun!. Go out side with a canves and ask someone who doesn't mind geting dirty to stand behid it and make sure they are poking out and take five paint brushes with 5 diffrent colors and just take them all at one time and throw paint everywere!. it is so fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com