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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What kind of camera should I buy for serious photography (among other questions.

Question: What kind of camera should I buy for serious photography (among other questions!.!.!.!.) !?
I'm new to photography!. I have a little digital camera, (sony cyber shot)!. it's really nice, but I want more!.

I wish to be able to take proffesional photos!. I would like to try out different lenses, like the "fisheye" lens!. that seems so COOL!

I just have no clue as to the technical aspect of anything!. For example, what does f/22 MEAN!? What kind of camera should I buy!. Is a digital camera even right for serious photography!?

I think I have a knack, as far as the creative aspect!. I just really need help getting started with the right equipment!. :)

thanks for any help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There's Point-and-shoot cameras and DSLR cameras!. They are both digital!. So I'm assuming you have a point and shoot!. But trust me, once you have a dslr in your hands you'll FEEL like a real photographer!. It's sweeeet!.

I was in this same position almost a year ago, and just recently I've made my decision!. Here's what you should do:

1!. Ask questions on google!. Simple ones like "Photographing for beginners!?" or something to that effect!. There you'll learn about DSLR'S and lenses and aperture and all that crap!. Then you'll learn which camera has the best for what you can afford!.

My range is about $600-$900!. For that you can get a Canon Rebel XTi/Xsi, Sony A100, Nikon D40/60/80!. Those are my personal close choices!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

f/22 is the f-stop which means what your aperture setting is!. The aperture of a lens is the diameter of the lens opening and is usually controlled by an iris!.The larger the diameter of the aperture, the more light reaches the film / image sensor!.

Aperture is expressed as F-stop, e!.g!. F2!.8 or f/2!.8!. The smaller the F-stop number (or f/value), the larger the lens opening (aperture)!.

My suggestion is that before you invest a lot of money into a camera that you buy some books or look up some information about photography online so that you will understand more about the specs of cameras!.

As far as digital or film, I personally shoot with digital but it's all about personal choice!. Many professionals use both!.

Good luck and happy snapping!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First some questions that you have to get answer to:
What will I use the camera for!? Shall I just take party pictures or serious landscape pictures!?

Witch size do I want big tiny or regular!?

Do I really have the best digital camera that cost thousands of dollars!? When you have answered these questions you have an idea what digital camera that fits your needs!.

Now we will look at the 5 most important things when deciding a digital camera:
1!. Look at the megapixels it’s important to have 6mp+ if you want regular pictures too look great!.
2!. What is the respond time for the camera!? The time it takes to take the picture!. This is really important when you want to capture the moment!.
3!. The size of the camera is also important!. If you will have it like all day camera don’t buy the fancy big camera with all the best futures!. Buy a small one that suits your needs!. You don’t need the best camera if you just shall take some all day pictures or party pictures!.
4!. Look at the LCD screen so it has a good resolution and so the pictures look good on that!. If you don’t have that it’s really hard to see if you have taken a good picture or not!.
5!. Source the field and take a look at different cameras before deciding with to buy!.

This was some great advice that you should take with you when you will buy your digital camera!. Just think about this you will take so many funny pictures with it so you want a great camera!

If you want read something more about "digital camera",
more information i just come accross this blog which may help you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com