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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How would you illustrate this quote:?

Question: How would you illustrate this quote:!?
"There are more things in life than things"

My aunt has started over from scratch with only the clothes on her back and this has become her quote!.!.!. she has asked me to illustrate this for her!.!.!.

I was thinking a Cherry blossom branch, the quote in script and the chinese symbol for hope, faith, new beginning

Cant find a good photo of a cherry branch to go on, nor have I been able to find a site with the symbols I am looking forWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
cherry tree branch blossom,

Cherry Tree Posters,

chinese symbol for hope, faith, new beginning
希望,信念,新 的起点 新new,開始 beginning
希望,信念,新 ~ 的起點
some symbols have alternate definitions per region of asian cultures,

also you could use other options for renewing perspective on life, without materialistic objects, being with others, enjoying nature, simple is too see and smell and hear life all around, and at heart, be humble and content,?


Use your aunt's language to verbalize the quote if you are going to put any form of writing on it!.
I would paint the whole of the universe from our vantage point, the "Milky Way", from a scientific and photographic illustration and place the quote along the bottom in bold letters from a classic font!. German Gothic, Old English, Roman, Cursive italics, or Copperplate!.
The universe holds all things and this should illustrate your aunt's point quite well, particularly if the quote is boldly walking across the base of the artwork!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this image symbolizes everything you are looking for, think about it