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Question: Online Photo Albumns!?
I need to find an free online photo albumn, like the one on tripod, that allows me to use a filehost like filecram so I don't go over the storage limit on thier site!. Or if anyone know how to this on the Tripod site it would help too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you definitely have to try flickr!.!.!. you'll love it and if your friends have a flickr account, you can define "privileges" on your photos to make them either public or private (visible only to you, your friends and/or your family)!.
If you don't pay for a pro account, the limitation will be the number of photos you'll be able to upload everyday!Www@QuestionHome@Com

filecram - dont know what that is

if flickr has it use flickr



it's more for artisty pics!.
has a nice look!.
I have albums there and I receive feed-backs for my photography from users!.
I don't know if you are intersted in that way!.!.!.

I use photobucket because they have a very fast upload and allows you to put titles on your shots!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
