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Question: Common Portrait Studios!?
My fiance is being deployed to Iraq, and we're getting married before he leaves, so we are trying to find a portrait studio that can take engagement and wedding pictures for us!. I know Sears and J!.C Pennys both have studios!. Does anyone know of any other portrait studios like this!? Chain ones or ones that are in Pittsburgh, PA!? Does anyone have any idea what places like these would charge!? also, I know you aren't supposed to, but can you scan and copy and print the pictures!? I've heard some have a glare that makes it impossible!. I'm looking for inexpensive places!. Thanks much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well Now!.!.!.!.!. I can see your inexperience in the matter and Fhoto has answered you correctly!. Disregard some childish comments and take advice from people who know the subject and who can answer you well and have a good track record!. Bashing won;t get you anywhere and won't answer your question!.
Photographers have to earn their living and I deal with them all the time and on a daily basis!. Fair is fair!.!.!.!.!.!!!

Good Luck!.!.!.!!!!!.!.!.:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

as you have asked about commiting a crime and even know its wrong you get only contempt from me

go ask in the Dental section how to steal from them next!.!.!.!.!.!.!.


EDIT: thumb me down if you wish your a bad person - bad people steal

EDIT2: thanks for your silly immature email it enlightens me as to your lack of character, so below is my apoligy:

I was wrong, you should have poor quality stolen prints to look at in the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are asking professional photographers how to steal from us!.!.!. GTH!.!.!. I sure hope your hubby gets a "real" gun to defend himself with in Iraq!.!.!.!. and that you use "real" condoms while he is gone!.

Thumb me down if you wish, but you are off base here and I'm sure many will agree with me!.!.!.

The insinuations are not attacks but extreme examples of what you are asking for!. If I were to call you names it would be outfront, not hidden in an innuendo!.

I did not respond for the points (although i did get 2!.)Rather it was to make a point!. Thou shalt not steal!

I gave fpotoace a Thumbs up BTW!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm deeply moved by your story!.!.!.

Just think of the rosy glow you'll get for the rest of your lives looking at those scanned, blurry, smudgy images while your green faces both smile and gaze touchingly at each others wallets!.!.!. what joy, what poetry!.!.!.

You're wrong on this one Ant - this is actually life art we are talking about here and it definitely has a kind of poetry about it!.!.!. I hope the local McDonalds is already booked for the reception!. Get in early!.!.!. it's a shame he's going before Christmas as you would have had all those lovely decorations for free too - you could even have taken the chairs home to outfit your marital kitchen!.

So my advice is don't pay any attention whatsoever to the quality - just buy and then steal the very cheapest photography you can get!.!.!. it's what your fondest memories will be immortalised by!.!.!. faded, scanned, home printed, but above all cheap - what romantic bliss!

PS What's your job!? Secretary!? I propose you get paid per kilo of paper you produce - that seems a fair way to measure your output to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All portrait and wedding photography is based upon on a "shooting" fee!. All prints are at additional cost!. This is the way they make the money necessary to cover not only their cost of doing business (most photo studios have to generate around $400,000 to net $80,000) but support their families!.

Shooting fees alone would probably not cover the rent on the studio space!.

As with all photography, the photographer owns the copyright to any and all images produced during a shoot!. You are paying for the rights to display the prints you purchase from them !.!.!. you don't own the imageWww@QuestionHome@Com

Any portrait studio like JCPennys, Sears, Wal-Mart or Picture People is going to give you cheap photos!. But you will still be sacrificing quality!. Any professional photographer will cost you a whole lot more than those places and give you photos that will last forever!. Go for quality and pay the little bit extra that will give you photos you'll truly be happy with!. And if you'd still like to be cheap, some photogs will sell you the copyright so you can print as many photos as you like at your local Walgreens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com