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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How to develop color film?

Question: How to develop color film!?
ive seen rolls of film developed and they dont look like the negatives when you get them back from the photo shop!. they look like fully developed prints and yet they are still on the film!. how is this done!? can i do this myself since it is still on the original film!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
are you sure you're not looking at transparencies (slides)!? unless they are cut and mounted they will still look like film!.
they are positives and not negatives!. negatives are to be made into photographs!. slides are positive images!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't do it yourself if you have no experience in darkroom!.

Slide film is notoriously difficult to do-and if anything goes wrong, it's ruined!. For example, as I recalled (having ruined a few rolls), the first developer's temperature has to be within 1/10 of Fahrenheit--and that's process E6--easy stuff compared to K14 for Kodachrome!.



But you can get prints made from these slides!. They will cost a little more!. If you have tons of them, get a slide scanner so they can be scanned into your computer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com