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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I have the studio booked with two models I need Pose Ideas!?

Question: I have the studio booked with two models I need Pose Ideas!!?
I have a female model booked for a photo shoot with a few props, a feather fan, whip, riding crop etc!.
This photoshoot is NOT for pornography!.
Its a brief ive been given that must include elements of shape , rhythm and repeat, and I need to use the human form to portray elements of this!.
I have both film and digital camera, and professional lights!.
I have a white and black background, and need some edgy/slightly raunchy poses for this model that will be easy to hold for a few minutes!. I want the focus on the body, not the face!.

I also have a nude model booked in the same studio, I want her poses to be soft and I want to ust he light to reflect off her body!. I dont need anything raunchy or explicit, shes already nude!

I need standing / sitting poses, please explain simply or show me photos of poses!

Very much appreciated, if ive not explained myself I will add additional info!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'd try some backlighting effect when doing shape!. That way you can get an almost sillhouette of the figure while still controlling the amount of light to hit her in the front wirh reflectors!. When doing rhythm, I'd make sure that the shape isn't too complex!. It should be a smooth shape that flows through the image simple, like a wave basically!. With repeat, I would either edit together a few pictures or simply present a few different images together like a diptec or triptec!.

As for poses, I suggest a sort of "straddling" type pose!. It doesn't have to be like she's sitting on top of a man or anything!. Really any lump of fabric would be fine!. And she could bit down on the riding crop!. Kind of seductive/sexy, right!? I'd also suggest planting her feet on something!. And you could wind the whip around her too, like around her leg or arm!.

With the nude, I think everything should be a lot softer!. Try different lighting techniques (a lot of light v!. almost no light, that type of thing)!. Reflectors could help a lot with her!. Keep her poses very simple!. Trust me, being more tasteful is better with her!. For some reason I have the intro to GoldenEye stuck in my head!. (If you haven't seen it it's pretty much just nude sillhouettes dancing around)!. There's this one image where they light one of the models heavy from the side/rear and it throws this beautiful highlight on her curves so you can just barely make out where her breast is!. It's like hinting at sensuality!. I'd attempt something like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know its stupid but i would check out deviantART as they have lots of Photography shots on there just search a few and hopefully you will get inspiration

thats the glamor section just change the search to find better ones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can also look through fashion magazines too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com