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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Illustrator help - Help with arranging "bring to front" command.?

Question: Illustrator help - Help with arranging "bring to front" command!.!?
I purchased an EPS file online and am trying to edit it!. I want to put a logo (also in EPS) on it!. Oddly, when I make the command "bring to front", it won't!.

I notice that when I select the original image, the selector lines are blue!. But the selector lines when I click on the logo is red!. I have never seen red before!. Is this why!? What does it mean!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The different outlined colors mean there are different layers!. A lot like Photoshop, Illustrator also has layers!. The big difference is that in Illustrator each layer can have a bunch of stuff on it in order from back to front (like another set of layers)!. So, it sounds like you are bringing your logo to the front of a layer that is underneath another!.

Go to Window-->Layers and take a look at what you have!. You probably just need to drag the whole layer to the top!. Otherwise, you can create a new layer and put logo in it and drag that layer to the top!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com