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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Did some famous guy paint this picture?

Question: Did some famous guy paint this picture!?
Wasn't it somebody really famous like Rembrandt or Picasso, or Gramma Moses or Tamlyn P!. Arker or Tuloose Latrec!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Gee, that's a real poser! For sure it was painted by some one who was inspired by an angel!!.!.!.and I've never heard of a Ms!. Arker and it couldn't be Latrec, because the angel is not doing a can-can dance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I googled this painting using "guardian angel painting artist" for searchwords, and several renditions came up of the same painting!.
While this one looks as though it may be the original oil of the painting, it's obvious that many artists have reproduced it including Lion Giorgos Spiropoulos and others!.
When this particular painting comes up, there is no artist name listed!.
To my eye, it doesn't look as though it's an "old" painting!. The style of the drawing isn't anything like a Rembrandt, Picasso ro Latrec!. I would lean more toward a more modern artist!.!.!.!. such as one who would paint for the Catholic denomination in general or such like that!. There were thousands of artists who were employed to paint religious works for the covers of church bulletins and prayer cards, memorial cards and covers etc!. This could very well be one of them!.

At any rate, I found at least 3 other copies of this exact painting in different colour combinations and a bit of altered style - so your guess is as good as anyone's whose was the original!.

blessings :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have always heard that the original painter was anonymous!. There are several variations on this theme - the children crossing the rickety bridge over 'troubled water' being guided by the comforting angel!. The original, as far as I know, is from the victorian era and the artist is lost to history!.
But, I could be wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The original artist is unknown, but the image first appeared about 1810 as an illustration !.
Royce Bair digitally recreated many antique angle prints, and currently publishes them for saleWww@QuestionHome@Com

That is definitely Grandma Moses' style!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nobody famous as an artist painted that - it's pure chocolate box!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry don't know, but my kids have the same print in their rooms!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't have any idea who painted it, but I love that prayer!. I didn't know about the first half of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That image has been reproduced many, many times!. It's hard to find who actually first made it!. It's origins are during the victorian era!.!.!.if that helps at all!. Royce Bair's name comes up a lot during searching though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com