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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What do you do when you disagree with a photographic answer?

Question: What do you do when you disagree with a photographic answer!?
Do you just state your answer, thumbs down the answer you consider incorrect or do you report it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If it is a technical answer and the answer given is incorrect, I thumbs down it so that the asker knows that the answer is incorrect!.

If it is a subjective question, then I do not thumbs down any of the answers because it is someones opinion!.

I only rreport things that are illegal or blatantly insulting!. I've reported posts and posters asking for illegal downloads or breaking some basic Yahoo!Answers rules!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I generally give a thumbs down, along with a reasoned explanation of why the answer is wrong!.

There is one responder on the photography section, however, who I've found takes great offense to anyone disagreeing with them, and received rather hateful responses from them despite a well-reasoned explanation as to why they were wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I give the bad answer a thumbs down and give a correct answer if I have one!. I didn't know you should report answers for being wrong!? I better go check that!. I only report blatant violations!.
If someone gives bad answers who should know better and doesn't bother to check on their answers or correct bad information, I may be inclined to pursue another course of action beyond simply stating a correct answer!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if i think the answer is wrong i simply thumbs down it and then i answer the question and refer to the one that i thumbs downed, i don't dis it i simply state why i think it won't work!.!.!.i am careful to only do that in areas that i know what i'm talking about!.!.!.home decorating and painting interior design, etc!. i am careful not to name call or say it is stupid, i state precisely why i disagree!. it is called reasoning!.
this place is just a game anyway, people choose answers as best for what ever reason they have, doesn't mean they choose the most educated and correct and informative answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I will simply state my answer and, if appropriate, give supporting links!.

If someone is blatantly wrong, I might mention the ANSWER without naming the answerer!. ("Criticize the behavior - not the child!.") If there are already 5 or 6 answers to the contrary of the wrong answer, though, I won't bother pointing out the error!.


If I simply disagree where it is something involving an opinion or something that can be solved with multiple approaches, I just offer up my opinion and leave it at that!.

I basically don't bother with a thumb down, because there are enough people who just give thumbs down to everyone else who answered a question, I feel the thumb down is pretty much ineffective anyhow!.

I certainly would not report an answer just because I disagree or because it's wrong!. I do report spammers who just joined on the day they answered and I find that they have posted a link to their retail site or whatever for 10-15 questions!.


Here's an example!. The person was just plain wrong, but that didn't stop them from answering!. I just gave a stronger answer that is correct!.

depends, if someone does a rave that shows they know lots of words but are really clueless, if they are a nutter i just let them enjoy their ignorance, if they are a resonable person like Ace I might email them polietly - only twice with Ace and both times he was professional, checked my facts and thanked me!.

I have had people email me rudely when i make a mistake, i have had them email me polietly - prefer polietness!.!.!.!.i reasearch what they say and thank them for educating me!.

Rob Nock attacked me in this forum for a focal lenght mistakes i made, cant email him, he dont have the courage to email me - so sorry Rob i was wrong thanks for teaching me!.


IMO thumbs down and or an expression of disagreement and explanation of why you disagree and what you feel the correct answer is!.

reporting is for offensive/insulting answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I state my answer!.

If I think some other guy's answer seriously misleads the asker, I'll give it a thumbs down!.

I only report stuff that violates the TOS and Guidelines well beyond a reasonable doubt!.


state my answer , i only thumb down when someone is being mean !.Www@QuestionHome@Com