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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Critique this photo please.?

Question: Critique this photo please!.!?

Any suggestions for how i could edit it, constructive critisism would also be appreciated!

I'll be picking best answer!.

Thanks in advanceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Get yourself down to 'dog level', enter their world so to speak!. (also applies to children pictures too), Photographing from above can be too 'dominant'!.

Fill the frame with what your photographing, in this case the dogs head, there's too much distraction in the image, filling the frame forces your viewer to see what you want them to see!. If you have enough pixels you could just crop this of course, but it's better to do it in camera as that maintains the most resolution!.

Don't crop the dogs ears!. By and large shapes should be complete!.

Expose properly, the shadow is just black with little detail!.


Cool angle, weird lighting, cause half the dog is in shadow, and it's not an artistic shadow in this case because there's so much of it everywhere, and the variation of darks and light shadows are too much!.!.!. anyway I'd play around with the contrast and lighting in Photoshop, maybe get rid of the yellow pole and red box and make that part shadow also, but most of all play around with the lighting and you'll see what looks the best!

Other than that, you've got a pretty nice shot =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Crop it so its just the face, try and brighten it up a little as well!. To remove the rod (after you crop) use the photo stamp tool (or w/e its called) the one that stamps one area of the pictures and then lets you paste it wherever you want, so just take the area around the pole and stamp over it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It looks good, get rid of the yellow pole, and perhaps the red box, try and fix the lighting and it might look better!. Other than that it looks good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


crop tighter -- items on right side of photo are distractingWww@QuestionHome@Com