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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do I make a stencil/silhouette image or a pure black and white image of a pe

Question: How do I make a stencil/silhouette image or a pure black and white image of a person's face from a photograph!?
Is there a photo editting program that can do this!? I don't want any shading or gray scale, just pure black and whiteWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are a couple different ways to do what you are wanting to do using photoshop, for this example CS2!. You can simply duplicate a layer, desaturate, then select hard mix from the layer blending menu!. Depending on the tonal range of the original, this may prove to be problematic!. Tone will have a huge effect on the outcome and in the first way I suggested can even throw in some grays with the black and white!. You really need to take great care in how you compose and light your subject if you want a clean black and white stencil of someone's face!. The best way to get the effect is using calculations to desaturate, choosing the best combination of color filters, then selecting hard mix in the blending menu of your layer!. I'm sorry that I cannot give you a step by step process, I sort of fumbled my way through it!. I imagine you will have to do the same!.

In CS2, menu - image> calculations!. Spend some time chosing different combinations of filters/channels for each source!. Then under blending, select hard mix!. After a couple of hours, and after going through several different images, you may just find that perfect one!. (that's exactly what I did, and I liked how it turned out)Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you mean something like the background in the sample at http://www!.flickr!.com/photos/robs-photo-!.!.!.
You can do it with a combination of photo effects in programs such as Photoshop or Picassa!. But you will need to start with a picture that has been taken with a dark subject on a light background or a light subject on a dark background!.

Once you have a good basic shot like that you can convert it to black and white and increase the contrast setting (more contrast) until you get the desired result!. The brighter the background is in relation to the subject OR darker the background and lighter the subject, the easier it will be to get the desired result!.

In my example, I used Photoshop to create a high contrast image then used the "Stylize" filter effect "Find Edges" to bring out the edges until I was satisfied with the result!.

Hope that helps!. Email if you have specific questions about an image of yours!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course Photoshop and others can do this easily, just convert to B&W and use a Curves adjustment layer to 'posterize' the picture!. If you're really good at Photoshop you can create a 'Duotone' with white and black as the tones!.
