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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Help me please! I need loads of answers!?

Question: Help me please! I need loads of answers!!?
All the answers I've previously got have nothing to do with what I'm asking!.!.!.so I'm posting it again!.!.!.

I'm doing a comic strip om heroes and need some ideas for some issues! Don't give me the - use your own idea's cos' I've run out of ideas! Here are the characters I'm using!.!.!.I DON'T need any more!

Jordan - Superman's powers
Will - Spiderman's powers
Josh - Invisibility + ice
Dean - Super speed
Lauren - Teleportation
Kaye - Healing
Ben - Wind
Kasey - Exploding footballs and a car
Natalie - Mind reading


Brandon - Pshyco murderer
Hugo - controls shadow creatures
James - giant robot
Robbie - super strength
Zoe - Forcefields
Peter - fire
Sam - flying surfboard
Josh K - elasticity
Tash - water
Steph - smoke
Twiggy - controls twig people
Chloe - Telekinetics
Sophie S - electricity
Sophie J - Fly
Nakita - lazer visionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Okay, let me try!.!.!.

Instead of the usual good vs!. evil schtick, why not do a few comics with both the good guys and bad guys trying to figure out whether or not they like being on the side they're on!? For instance, one of the good guys who has had a rough life may decide, after the public denounces them repeatedly, that they're tired of getting nothing in return for everything!. A bad guy has a revelation after meeting an odd spontaneous character who makes them wonder if everything in life is what they take or what they recieve!. (This is also good later on, even if they don't change sides!. Other characters may find out about what they thought and "throw them out" or attack them!.)

How did the characters come across their powers!? If they were caught in an accidental!.!.!.whatever!.!.!.are they the first, or is there an older generation of heroes!? Do the older heroes approve or disapprove of the new generation!? (The same can be applied to the villains!.)

If they were born different ala Superman or the X-Men, could other people also be affected!? How does the public feel about the heroes/villains!? If the characters are just advanced physically like Batman, how do they afford fancy weapons, etc!., without going bankrupt!?

Does one of the heroes or villains secretly have their powers via a powerful drug!? Is it addictive!? What are the consequences of using it physically, emotionally, mentally!? What are the long-term/short-term effects!?

If you like these ideas, I have some more!. I just don't want to take up a lot of space on here!. Email me if you'd like!. With some more background information, I could do a quick plotline for each character!. Is there anyone in particular you want stories on!? It's good to do a bit on each character, even if it's done like in a "special edition" sort of way!. Everyone who had read the X-Men comics liked Professor Xavier as a leader, but everyone has their own, separate character as their favorite, sometimes simply because they could relate to the hero's background!.

Hope I helped a bit!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The villains decide to steal artworks from Museum of art, but when they enter the museum and start to look at artworks, particularly Rembrandt and Picasso paintings, they get stricken by power of art and break in tears, they realize how unworthy beings they are and decide to become a beings of goodness!. They start to study history of art and involve their skill and abilities into creating better world, where art and beauty dominate!.