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Position:Home>Visual Arts> If I download pictures from a photo sharing site, and then get them made into po

Question: If I download pictures from a photo sharing site, and then get them made into posters am I breaking the law!?
We have a house in a remote area of Scotland!. I am crap with a camera, and have found some wonderful photographs of the area on fl*ikr which I would love to have blown up and made into posters and framed pictures!. None of the pictures I have found have a copyright warning, and have all been uploaded publicly (even at huge sizes, perfect for printing)

Being an honest kind of person, I was wondering where I stand with this!. Should I ask the owner of the photos for permission, or just do it anyway!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You should email the owners of those pics first!. There doesnt need to be a copyright stated to actually be a copyright!. However most people on Flickr upload to share!. On the pics page on Flickr, if it doesnt say "Creative Commons" under Additional Information on the right side of the page then it is by all means copyrighted and you would be violating law to even copy it!.

If you plan on selling the prints or making money off of them then you definately need a copyright release!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They do not have to have a copyright warning to be copyrighted!. The copyright exists for the shooter the moment the shutter button is pressed!.

I don't know what the usage agreement is at the referenced website, though!. Read the agreement and see if grant of use is given when you upload to the site!.

I agree with a previous answer about emailing the photographer and just asking permission!. Many will just be excited that you like their work enough to hang it in your home!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Technically, a photographer owns the copyright to each of his photos, whether there's an actual copyright symbol on the photos or not!.

You probably should email the photographers for permission - or even just leave a comment on the photos on Flickr - just to be safe!. My guess is that they'll have no problem with what you want to do, as long as you don't plan on selling the posters!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Even if it's only a courtesy, I would ask the photographer, otherwise, in my opinion it's theft!.

Look on the notes that some photographers put on Flickr where they may say that they allow downloads for non commercial use!.

Being as your both in the same area you may meet them, imagine how you'd feel if they came into your house and saw their picture, contact him/her, you may make a friend!. (ever the optimist LOL)


the most decent way to have the pictures and not to be punished or anything is to ask the photographer himself!. might as well, put some credits on his/her site when he approved!.!.like say, "thanks!. i printed it for my remote house at Scotland!.!." things like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If there is no copyright then you can reproduce them!. Worst case is you email the owner of the album and ask permission!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just to add what others have told you, I think it's so nice that you care!Www@QuestionHome@Com