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Question: Getting into photography!.!.!.!?
Hi, i am creative and love taking photos, but with a normal ditital camera i catn capture the lighting, mood or atmosphere in anything!.!.!.!.!.!.which camera/s would you recommend for starting off that would inspire me to carry on!.!.!?

Iare there any job prospects in it!?!? Or is it all about contaacts!.!.!.eek!?

cant wait to get started though!.!.=)
Thanks for any guidance!. xWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I always recommended an SLR camera as a general working tool,to my students!. My personal choice has been Nikons but most are up to the job!.It sounds like your problem is not the tool but how you are using it!.The way that you can appreciate light and mood is by taking advantage of the best light conditions!.There is a magic time of day when the light is at it's best!.Last night just before and just after sunset and again this morning here in Yorkshire the light was cool and almost watery before the heat of the day burnt off the morning mist!.The light was such that you could not fail to make good atmospheric shots!.Most cameras will record the scene but it is better if you can shoot in RAW file types so that you can shift the colour and the exposure range to get what you want,not what the manufacturers think a good photo should be!.Only by taking photos and looking at them can you decide on your path!.Try and build up a scrapbook of pictures that you see that say what you want to express!.You will have a reminder and visual vocabulary to fall back on and remind you what you are trying to achieve!.As to contacts and prospects I have been around some years and have been fortunate to have always been approached by people who wanted work and exibitions and never really went out searching!.Joining a local club,building a collection of images and trying local gallery shows is a step in the right direction and good luck!.Do remember that we often make our own luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pick up a cheap 2nd hand digital SLR from a pawn shop or ebay to get started!.

The SLR style camera will give you much better control in terms of shutter speeds, apertures , focal lengths and a variety of techniques you can use to get much much more amazing pictures!.

In terms of job prospects, with photography, you could be a digital artist, you could open your own studio, be a wedding photographer, do landscapes and produce galleries, coffee books, portrait studios, advertistments!.!.!.!. lots of options out there if you are willing to put in the hours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I started out with a Nikon D50!. I bought that over two years ago!. Then i did an online photography course with www!.ppsop!.com to learn the basics!. They have a great 'understanding exposure' class - if you have the patience!
I then upgraded to the Nikon D80!. I'm shooting models, weddings, babies, landscapes!.!.!.everything! Once people know what you're up to, and you can advertise yourself in a casual manner (friends telling friends), you'll soon be on your way!.
Definately stick with Nikon!. Easy to use, and just an overall great camera manufacturer!
Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should have a SLR camera with manual controls!. Experiment with various light situations with various locations write down the aperture and shutter speed settings and soon you will be pro!. But to be a champ you have to develop a vision, which you can have with deep observation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you wan't quality
buy a second hand portable big format
like a 4 x 5 wista
they are hard to use, but will make you learn
and the quality will be great!
something like that!.
specially if you want to make a living
and about money, there is tons of it, specially in advertising, but you have to be very talented, know what you are doing (which a digital camera wont tell you) and yeah, have the right contacts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

any slr would be good, i have a nion d70 its great!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com