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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do you agree with what Andy Warhol once said?

Question: Do you agree with what Andy Warhol once said!?
"Artists are never intellectuals, that's why they're artists!."
- Andy Warhol

I find this interesting, I agree and disagree!. Smart people cant make art!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I take a different meaning from this quote than you do!. In my opinion, "intellectuals" is used to refer to the people that are intelligent, but intelligent because they look at the world from a literal, realist perspective!. They lack creativity because they only see the world in black and white; they can only view an object, idea, etc!. as being itself and nothing else!.!.!. it just is what it is!. Artists, however, are able to see the world from several different, creative perspectives, and that's what enables them to be artists!. Neither intellectual nor artist is "better" than the other - they're equal; there are both good and bad qualities of each!. They just differ in terms of how they view their surroundings and what they make of them!.

However, to go with the straightforward meaning of the quote (and to answer your actual question), I disagree with the idea that smart people can't be artists!. I know many people who are wonderful artists and also very intelligent!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im not big headed before i start lol!.!. I admire Andy Warhol but i disagree entirely with this statement!. My father is an artist in his own time and is AMAZING lol, yet he is incredibly intelligent and has his own accountancy business!. I myself enjoy art and I may not be as good as my dad but im not terrible, and i have taken exams a year early (im in year 11) and walked away with an A, B, B, B, B, C, and i still have more to come! and im predicted an A/A* in art!.Www@QuestionHome@Com