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Question: Canon Rebel XTi or XSi!?
How much better is the XSi than the XTi!? Is the difference noticeable!?

also, which would be better for portraits!? Cause I hear the XSi can make bigger prints!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I just got done testing the Canon XTi and the XSi!. From previous experience, the XTi suffers from very poor build quality!. It is difficult to hold, and was not made with build quality in mind!. The XSi is small, but well built!. The viewfinder is much better as well!. Besides the most noticeable features, the XSi has newer technology and some extra bells and whistles that would be good while photographing!. The optional battery pack is another major plus!.

As for which one is better for portraits, this is up to what type of lens you will be using!. The XSi will have an advantage since it has a live view function, but like I said, it still largely depends on what type of lens you will be using!.

The XSi will be able to make larger prints, however, the difference is not too noticeable!. Unless you're printing posters, you won't be able to tell the two apart!.

Overall, I'd buy the XSi!. The XSi has better build quality, newer technology, and several key features the XTi does not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You couldn't tell the difference!. The biggest difference would be that the XSi has live view which is nearly useless for anybody who is experienced in photography!. The only reasons for using live view that I can think of would be if the angle or position of the camera would make it very difficult to get your eye to the view finder or if you had the camera setup and locked in on a tripod and wanted to check the composition without bending over!.

As far as print sizes go you probably wont notice much of a difference there either!. The XTi is capable of doing good quality poster size prints!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both are excellent cameras, and would be equally good for portraits!. Portraits are more dependant upon the lens for quality!.

I'd go for the XSi at this point, mainly because it has spot metering, which the XTi does not, and IMO it is a huge advantage!. The live view I can live without, and the nunber of pixels, is not of concern!.

Another reason I'd go for the XSi, is that the XSi's kit lens has Image Stability, and the XTi's lens does not!. Which will be of use in lower light!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you're new to photography, you will barely be able to tell the difference between the two cameras!. They're pretty much the same quality wise!.

One thing I've been hearing a lot of people talk about is the live view on the XSi!.!.!. the XTi doesn't offer this, but a lot of pro's prefer to use the viewfinder anyway since it can be difficult to hold the camera steady at arm's length!.

The XSi can make bigger prints because it offers more megapixels!.!.!. but not by much!. How much are you planning on enlarging your photo's anyway!? The XTi makes fine 8x10's and 11x14's!.

I think you should get the XTi!.!.!. with the money you save you can get a decent lens too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personally would buy the cheaper body and focus on getting nice lenses!. The XTi is a fine body to learn on!. Later on there will be a better camera that you will want, so I'm sure one day you will want to upgrade!. Think much more seriously about your lenses, that way you only have to buy the lenses once!.

The advantages of the XSI aren't that big of a deal to me!. Live view is a nice toy but hardly needed!. Digic 3 is quicker than 2 but only if you shoot lots of burst mode will you notice!.

So, go with the XTi, and save your money for some nice lenses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I currently own the 400 xti and I love it!. It makes wonderful prints and is great for portraits!. Alot of people will tell you the kit lens bites with this one but, I actually love it! Really though the XTI is well worth your money !. I do all types of portraits for a living and have not had any complaints, nor do I have any with this camera!.

The only thing is the live view and lack of image stabilization!.!.!.

I can live w/o bothWww@QuestionHome@Com

Stick with the xti, if your going to upgrade go for an additional lens or the 40d (i think, sorry i'm nikon)!. It would be pointless going from a nikon d40 to d60 for me, so i went for the d80 instead!. Hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com