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Question: Painting interpretation!?
Can someone help me interpret Diego Rivera's painting, "The Flower Carrier"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As you can see in the painting,the peasant woman is arranging a flower basket on the back of a man who kneels on all fours!. On the net I found what someone who had been taking round by a guide was told: The guide said, "You have to be able to think like a communist--or at least an economist--to understand this painting"
That in reality it's not the big basket of flowers that is bone-crushingly heavy--but the burden of being an unskilled worker under modern capitalism is very heavy!.
That flowers are a symbol of pleasant luxury--but the flower carrier never sees them: (I think that means that there maybe luxuries to enjoy in his country but he, as unskilled worker, will never have the opportunity to enjoy them)!.