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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is over cast lighting good for portraits?

Question: Is over cast lighting good for portraits!?
My boyfriend seems to think so!.!.!. and I think it sucks!.!.!. I know its a bit better then direct sunlight, but I think the colouring is dull in it, and just boring!. Please settle the argument for us!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The clouds are the world's largest softbox!.

The blah colors are a result of poor white balance control in the camera!. Make sure to do a manual WB!.

Then with a little fill flash to get the catch light in the eyes, overcast lighting can be wonderful!.

Just like everything else in photography, it's what you do with what you have!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends of what kind of portrait and it would help if we could see the portrait!.
Although nothing is going to come out good on a direct sunlight portrait if it's going to be a portrait!. Because the subject or model might squint and you don't want a portrait with a squinting subject unless you're going for an angry model theme!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

overcast weather produces usable light, but you may have to use a modifier or use that strong light as an edge light!. I had a strobe go out during indoor shoot (outdoors it was overcast) and positioned model with back facing towards the window!. that light from outside was strong enough to edge and the front light w/umbrella was metered for a correct exposure at f8 of f 11 with the edge 3 stops higher!.

When outside shoot pic and decide what setting makes the background look good, and then fill the rest with a on cam flash or port strobe!.



I pray for overcast days when I shoot weddings!.!.no squinting, saturated colors on leaves and flowers and beautiful soft light!Www@QuestionHome@Com

nope!.!. not good at allWww@QuestionHome@Com