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Position:Home>Visual Arts> P/S Please for $100.00, Can you paint me a word pic of Eve?

Question: P/S Please for $100!.00, Can you paint me a word pic of Eve!?
Tell me what the 1st perfect woman must have looked like to you!?
You know she had a Sabertooth pussiecat
Enjoy the rideWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Most folks only think of the deceit of Eve when she gave the forbidden fruit to Adam in the Garden of Eden!.!.!. but I'm having an interesting time trying to imagine Eve outside of the box of her rebellion against God's boundaries!. It's also great to know that God made Eve as a perfect mate for Adam!. Her sexuality must have been potent!. They probably had no problem with knowing what to do with their feelings for one another!. The natural joining must have been a delightful adventure to experience!.!.!. (Just like it should be today between one man and one woman for a lifetime!)

She must have been absolutely beautiful!.!.!. long, flowing hair with the scent of wild flowers, lips juicy with fruit dripping down her charming chin & elegant long neck!. Her long, slender legs were just right for running with the deer!. But her eyes must have been able to speak volumes to her dear Adam!. I picture them like a doe's eyes, full of wonder for all the creativeness in her new world!. Her eyes must have been like deep pools of water that showed her soul's love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

tell a guy eve was nude in public, and they already think shes perfectWww@QuestionHome@Com