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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do you think emo kids ruined photography?

Question: Do you think emo kids ruined photography!?
i mean, all these kids who are emo/scene always write on their myspace about how obsessed with photography they are and stuff like that!.
and if you look in some kids "photography" albums, the pictures are really bad attempts at photography!. some people think taking pictures of half of your face is photography, and it isnt!. photography takes time and effort!.

i am an aspiring photographer!. i am 15 years old and i dont want people to think im just jumping on the bandwagon because photography is cool!. im not saying all kids on myspace are like this, some actually are very talented and take excellent pictures!.

but does anyone else agree with me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Don't worry about the others!. You are worried about "Some other people is going to believe I'm emo T_T"

So what!?

You like photography!. Look, Learn, Warhol, Frank Cappa, War photos, and such!. You're for real photography, not some half faces and mirror shots!.

Emo really has hurt everybody lately u-u

When someone asks you for photography, show them you know what's that really like, not some emo crap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In a way I agree, and in a way I don't!. I can see what you mean about those kids making photography "trendy" and giving it a bad name!. On the other hand, just because photography is a hobby of those kids doesn't mean they have to be good at it to like it!. They're also trying to use their pictures to convey an image, feeling, or story, but that can sometimes be done without the pictues actually showing any photographic talent!.
I think that the only thing you have to do in order to prove that you're not just jumping on the photography bandwagon is to actually take some good pictures! People will be able to see if you have real skill and real talent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Really!? hmmm well, i sorta thought it was just myspace in general that ruined it with all that high-angle bosom showing photography taken by damned teenagers!. (ehh well mostly people not in high school yet)

But yeah, some ruined it, others know how to contrast the black against other colors though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well in my opinion !.!.!.!.!.!.its how you take or capture a picture that matters
if ya said taking pic of only half your face is not photography then what about pictures in magazine
they take odd pictures and sumtimes it fun to see just how much we don't really see things like that !.!.!.!.what i mean is yes photography takes time and effort!. but if ya are creative ya take it in an artistic point of view !.!.!.no matter you are emo or not !.!.!.!.pictures like that makes us realise just how much ya can do or capture part of your body !.!.!.!.!.!.
i think its really not that bad !.!.!.i'm not against it !.!.!.but then again its only my opinionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Is this bad photography to you!?!?
yes it is mine!.!.





thats from years ago and i dont even consider it good but its some of the only ones on my comp at teh moment

dont label and put people into groups

by the way people consider me "scene" or "emo"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I couldn't agree more!.
I love photography and all of my friends have their "albums" in their locker of like!.!. a picture taken from above with their hair over their face!.
Photography isn't like that!.!. it's like art, it's not just a picture!.

So yea [: Your not alone !!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm an emo kid, and yeah I get what you mean, some people do take crap photos!. Like you I want to be a photographer but cause my sisters best friend is they'll think I'm copying her!.!.!. I like the photos I take cause they are unique and different!. If you'd like to share some photo ideas, my email is jwood243@eq!.edu!.au!.!.!.!. have fun with the photographyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yep i agree with you !. And a lot of them think that they are great , and once they are told that there stuff is terrible you get cussed out !.

Though there are some pretty good emo shots, like this and that shot was done by a 14 year old girl


I don't think they ruined photography YET, but they are on their way!. Once they grow up and become "professional" photographers, they might carry their style with them!. Wouldn't that be awful!? All of our hard work would be ruined!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

can i please see some of your photographs!?

my email is mawish11@Yahoo!.com

im an "emo" (ugh) kid and I think I take really good pictures to tell you the truth!. If you want proof I can show you!. The pics I take dont looks depressing and boring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes!. i agree with you!. scene kids are lame!. and they think that that style is actually cool, when it looks really,really gay for lack of a better word!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Weeell, to be honest I'd rather see a "scene" kids pics any day over the promiscuous and trashy garbage that's all over Myspace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, they make everyone else look better by comparison!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wouldn't it be fair to say that MYSPACE ruined photography!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

emo kids are still humannnnn
each person looks at everything differentlyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Stupid photographers have half a head in their photos because they have half a brainWww@QuestionHome@Com



It shouldn't bother you as much as it seems to!. Let them live their life while you live yours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes! All their pictures are depressing and boring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The pouty face makes kittens cry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dude give yourself best answer!


some probably have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree, all their pictures look the same to meWww@QuestionHome@Com

hell yeah they did i hate emos GRRRRRRRWww@QuestionHome@Com


I think the entire myspace/emo/scene/me generation has ruined a lot of things!. If left to your own devices, you people would end up either ruining your own lives, or the lives of people around you!. That's my opinion, anyway!. I find myself having little tolerance for this type of nonsense and I find you being in the same category as those you complain about, you're obviously "emo" about it!. Hilarious!.!.!. It seems your generation has nothing at all to be responsible for aside from getting an education and respecting your elders, yet you "people" have the most to complain about!. Try making a few mortgage payments, and holding down a real job for in some cases an entire third of your whole life and then tell me how bad you think you've got it!. Yeah!.!.!.!.!.thought so!.

Honestly, it's hard for me to not think of you as jumping on the band wagon because photography is cool!. I think you're too young to even know for certain that photography (or anything, really) is what you really want to do with your life, whether you really do take it seriously, or whether it's merely either a hobby or fleeting interest for you!.

So I'm left wondering!.!.!.!.!.what's your point again!?

And!.!.!.!.I totally agree with the person above me!. Myspace has enabled the dilution of many forms of art!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com