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me and my friend are having a photoshoot friday!. where should we do it!? we want to kind of have a theme, and wear over the top clothres and make-up and stuff!. we also want to do it somewhere cool, not boring stuff, like the park or beach, because we alreay did all that!. thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
wear as many bright colours as humanly possible, basically try to look like a tacky five year old!.
and go to a playground!.

or try and get your way onto a rooftop!. it could be of a house or of a local business!. then wait for the sun to give you good lighting!.

or you could just go to the closest urban area and just take pictures on the streets!. locations depend on where you live, and chances are that i live in a different place than you!. however i do know that in my urban area there is a thriving indie scene with nice cafes!. so if you can find a nice outdoor cafe who will let you hang out outside and take pictures, go for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you can round up some department store shopping bags, you could do a girls day out theme around your downtown area!. Shots with a group walking toward the photographer talking and gesturing and swinging their loaded shopping bags!.

Its different from the standard beach and park shots, has a nice commercial flair and is really fun all at the same time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you should do it down town at a local skate park!.!.!.!. usually there is alot of graffiti and if you wear the right colours you can look totally amesome!.!.!.!. also at the local shopping center!.!.!.!.!. cause you can take the photos of you buying stuff and just the whole shopping thing sounds cool!.!.!.!.!. if you want some cool ideas for more photo shoots email me at jwood243@eq!.edu!.au, if you want I could rate some of your photos!.!.!.!. just send them to the same addressWww@QuestionHome@Com

It could be "Spring Fling!." You could wear bright clothes and makeup and do it somewhere on a really sunny day, or the beach (and dress in swimsuits--that would be cute), or maybe on a playground!. You could dress up in cute school-looking clothes and the theme could be "Can't Wait to Get Out of School" or something!.

Have fun!!! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Go to a movie theater or a hip restaurant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you could all dress like boys and make your hair like boys and stuff,
