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Question: Find the exact value!. show step!.!?
Find the exact value of sin 5兀/12Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
sin 5π/12 is equal to

sin (π/4 + π/6) ----> you have the values for these two right!?

using formula:
sin π/4 cos π/6 + cos π/4 sin π/6

plugging the trigonometric values:
(√2/2) (√3/2) + (√2/2) (1/2)

√6/4 + √2/4

(√6 + √2)/4

therefore sin 5π/12 = (√6 + √2)/4

(approximately 0!.96)

you can rationalize if you want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com