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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Where can I sell pictures?

Question: Where can I sell pictures!?
I have a ton of pictures that I won't to sell or enter in a contest!. I don't know of any, do you!. Points if you answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Be wary about contests!. If they want an entry fee, pass!. Read the fine print!.

One place to try to sell is Redbubble!. Ebay!. Deviantart!. Or you can try one of the online stock agencies!. Get a book called "Photographer's Market"!. There are a lot of people with the same idea, though!. Don't expect buyers to beat down your door unless you have spectacular work in a genre that is in demand!. Kids, pets, flowers and landscapes are hard to sell!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Contact your local arts council!. They will have information on local arts and crafts fairs!. If your stuff is good you could sell some there!. This will cost you some money though!. You will need a tent, grid walls or other display equipment plus the costs of prints, matting, and framing etc!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm!.!.!.!. Maybe search online to look for contests!.!.!.!. though you probably already thought of that!. Do they have a book for photographers!? Similar to "Writer's Market" for writers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do some research, and find places which specialise in (or already sell) images of the type you produce!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You cn sell photos at