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Position:Home>Visual Arts> 14 year old photographer looking for input on photographs.?

Question: 14 year old photographer looking for input on photographs!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The subject matter is interesting (to many of us, maybe not to everyone) I for one love old rusted things!. The fence didn't work for me, although it was a good study in DOF!. The third vehicle was my favorite shot of the group, mainly because of the reflection in the windshield!. I would have gone closer to eliminate some of the distractions and focus on the decrepitness!. The last two are significantly underexposed!.

For 14 I think you are doing fine!. Experimenting is part of learning, and it looks like you are playing with DOF!. Keep learning and practicing!. Take a class at the local level if possible!. Enjoy and let us see what you come up with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To put it simply, the images look like they were taken by a 14 year old!. I would suggest finding more interesting subject matter, and try some new angles!. Think about composition and rule of thirds!. The last two images were underexposed, so work on properly exposing the image!. Let me stress again, an image is not worth looking at unless it is interesting!. Really work on this aspect of your photography!.

The only thing I can suggest is take some classes in high school!. Practice all you can, and learn all you can!. In time, your images will get better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They're all great photo's!.

Here's some constructive critisism!.
Pic #1) Great, love the clear foreground and the blurry background!.
Pic #2) It's beautiful, very clear and detailed!.
Pic #3) Very nice, I like the way it looks abandonned!.
Pic #4) Pretty cool, but I like your other ones more (no offense)
Pic #5) Very original!.
Pic #6) Pretty cool, but I like your other ones more (no offense)

You're very good for fourteen!. I like your style of pictures!. But I agree with one of the first people!.!.!.black and white or sepia would be very nice :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

the camera is pretty good but you need to take pictures of more exciting and cooler things not rusted stuff!. you might want to take pics of nature not cars or wierd stuff,!.!.!.!.try more vibrant and INTERESING unusual things!. good job! hope to see new pictures soon! Keep going and dont stop trying! you will be a great photographer!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love all of them, just the 6th one is not that exciting!. All the others are fantastic!. The experiment with the focus is great!. Try expanding your horizons, beyond fiddling with the focus!. If experimenting with the focus was your object, then congratulations! you've done a great job!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really like the first one!.!.!. I think you are on the right path!. Try different effects on your pics!.!.!.!. I also like your use of shallow perception!.!.!.
The last 3 (i think) were way too dark!.!.!. you cant really tell what they were of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love them all but would love them more if they came if different color schemes (sepia or black and white)!. It would add a level of interest to them!. Good for 14 though!. keep it up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am 13 and I take pics to, you get a lot of help on soaphotos!.com!. It is great and you get a ton of feedback!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really like the second one
what type of camera are you using!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really like the second pic!.!. and maybe even better if it was Sepia tone!.!. Great job though!Www@QuestionHome@Com

too many pictures of the same kind, but nice!.!. not too badWww@QuestionHome@Com