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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Who spray paints the graffiti along the highways in the inner city?

Question: Who spray paints the graffiti along the highways in the inner city!?
I have always wondered this!. I've worked in Detroit for nearly my entire career, and they never clean it up, but someone always comes along and freshens it up or covers it and paints something new!. This spring we have all kinds of artwork with interesting and/or profane four-letter words, some I've never heard of before, decorating our freeways!. Is there a community of artists out there!? Do they ever catch and arrest anyone for this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Jenn, there called taggers!. These are as your one poster
pointed out the Printers for the gang's they represent!. Most
of the tags are intelligence facts about what is Present, past,
and future in the gang territory!. Pending wars, pending
territory disputes, are all a part of this form of vandalism!.

Gang Units around the country, can drive a area, and tell you
the name of the tagger, by there style, They can look at these
forms of communication and tell you when they need to beef
up police patrols and when activity levels are going to increase!.

This is as much counter culture as it is a Problem,, Some of
the taggers are actually great talents!. They have stories to
tell!. and If allowed to, in the right venue, this is a great art form!. But left uncontrolled just vandalism and gang communication,Www@QuestionHome@Com

These are gangs marking their "territory!." Personally I have an appreciation for some of the more creative stuff, but most of it is just territorial marking!.

"but someone always comes along and freshens it up or covers it and paints something new"

This is actually how gang "wars" are started, someone marks a territory, another gang marks over it!. Important stuff to die over, huh!?

I'm sure some are caught and charged with vandalism for the painting, and the prisons are filled with gang members who have killed someone for painting over their marks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok as a graffiti artist its not all about GANGS TURFs
AND SO ON!. but its a way of showing what u can do with a can of spray paint people throw up their tags to show off to
other graff artist trying to prove that they can do sumthing they cant in this graffiti culture its not about gangs turfs but a way of life yes i've ben cought tagging up a few times
but its fun getting up on spots u would't think we could get up on
doing the impossibles when u look on those
billboards trains alleys parks but hey u people say what u want!.

i rep TFK its ''not a gang'' just what i TAGWww@QuestionHome@Com

Take a look at the airport!. If you don't see Air Force One on the tarmac it means that they've hidden it in a hangar!. All of the graffiti is sprayed by Bush and Cheney!. There can be no other explanation!. It can't be gangs!. They're too busy being oppressed, making coffee down at the senior center and helping little old ladies across the street!. It isn't liberals!. They're too busy working on behalf of "the children"!. It can only be the evil twins, George and Dick!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Jen, Yes they should be arrested and put in jail for it!. Tolerance of everything in this country has caused gangs and etc!. to think they can do anything they want to and they do!. What if our fore-fathers saw the mess we have to look at !? They would say "Where is the law that we set forth for the country!?" It is a shame!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are the dropouts of the Liberal education system !. They can only do as much damage as the community allows them to do ! If the citizens don`t give a rats azz about how their cities and towns look , then they must be proud to live in a painted jungle !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate graffiti, I've always wondered - not who but why!?
I think most graffiti is done by wanabe gangs and real gangs!.
I think that less 15% are done by artist!.

LET'S CLEAN UP OUR CITIES !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Called Gang territory marking
Detroit has plenty of gangs up there and they are into gang warfare a lot so its better for them to mark their territory so other gangs know up front whats up !.Www@QuestionHome@Com