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Question: Is a ceramics class hard!?
Just a basic ceramics class (no advance stuff)!. I am thinking about taking this course over my next semester for college!. I never took this class, not even in high school!. So what do I expect here, is there a lot of book work!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
usually not!. There is usually not a lot of book work (often none) but a lot of practical work!. Like you have book work outside your class time to do for your class you will have to come into the studio outside your class time to work on your ceramics skills!. The more work you do, the better you will get!. Just like everything!.
Impossible to tell whether you will enjoy it!. Some people love it others don't, just like every other subject!. If you mind getting dirty and if you are impatient and can't be bothered with acquiring manual skills odds are it's not for you!. If you like creativity and working with your hands and don't mind getting clay all over it may be just the thing for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i just took that and I'm in high school!. it was way easy
it just depends how skilled you are!. its just basically your own work!.
not a lot of book work more hands on, go figure!. its easy!. and fun if you like making things out of clay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ceramics is amazing!. It's usually not hard at all, it depends on your skills, as well as mathematical knowledge!. Good Luck

I don't knowWww@QuestionHome@Com