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Question: Fetus pictures!?
Who took these pictures!? (I'm assuming they're by the same person, they look very similar)

How were they taken!?

Are they even real photographs!!?




Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Real photographs of a fetus in the womb photographed using an endoscope with an electronic flash by Sweden’s Linnart Nilsson!. His book, A Child is Born, sold 8 million copies in the first four days after publication!.

Edited to add, it made the cover of Life magazine in 1965 ( no Photoshop then, dear!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

They were either computer animated!. Or they were taken in the late months of pregnancy by one of those endoscopic camera things they use in surgery!.

It's not hard to do considering today's technology!.Www@QuestionHome@Com