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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What do you think of my photos? Any tips?

Question: What do you think of my photos!? Any tips!?
I'm 15 and I recently decided to expiriment with photography!. All of these photos are pretty basic, but I'm just getting started!. What do you think of them!? Which was your favorite!? Any tips (Please!)!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I really like the yellow rose!. The simplicity of the picture with the complexity of the rose is fantastic, and the colors contrast very well!. Keep working on it, just get used to the camera, and just take a lot of pictures!. You'll realize your personal style!. Good luck!
Oh, and I seriously disagree with Cameron S!. The point of art, any art, is to capture the imperfections of the world WITH the perfections!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My impression of your works is that you seem like a very very skillful photographer!. However, I cannot say that your photos really "touches" me!. I can easily find similar images on Flickr!.
You are only 15 and just starting!. My advice is you should explore a wide range of subject matters besides nature, pretty flowers!.!.!. and go to the library and look at works of different photographers from different periods of time!. If you work hard you'll be able to develop your unique style!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like your shots a lot! I'm stoked on anyone who pursues photography!

I like your flower shots the best!.!.!.that Panasonic has some great color!

Some advice!.!.!.
Shoot the same thing 100x- different angles different compositions!.!.!.the more you shoot the more things you'll discover!.
Shoot at different times of the day!.!.!.it's amazing how light changes a scene!.

Good luck!
Check out my site if you can!.!.!.

I checked out your photos and they are really pretty!. I love the colors!. I don't think I'll have any useful advice I'm only a beginner but I will tell you keep doin what you doin!. I like Daisy, Summer fall and Twins the best!. Man, you sure was right about having similar question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

very good nature pics
i would say to "clean up" the flower/tree that your taking a picture of
the tree had some broken branches on it and looked like a tree
try to make it look like a perfect tree from a perfect world
just some suggestions
awesome pics tho
i liked all of themWww@QuestionHome@Com

the pictures are extremely good and i like how you captured the cats emotions

a tip is to maybe shoot at a different time maybe to get that raw color like when the sun starts to go down but thats just meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Wow! very nice!. :) My faves are the yellow rose and the apple tree!. They make me feel summery or something!. :D
Good JobWww@QuestionHome@Com