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Question: Help!! best answer 10 pts!!! art!?!?
best answer 10 pts!! help!

can someone explain how the word medium/media are used in this sentence!? i really need help!!

How effective is the artist's use of medium or media!?
Would the artist 's design of the work be better suited in another medium!?

thank you so much!!!!! any help is appreciated!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Medium can be anything from canvas or paper to pancil, or pen!. The artist medium is the way they use a technique or material to express what they are think to the viewer of the art work!. Effectiveness is if the viewer of the art can understand it or not!. And Media is just another form of the word medium!.
Hope I could help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The media is the message with some what of a spin factor: how the artist plans the composition in terms of expression open for interpretation by the viewer!.

There are many media to select from, such as visual arts, sculpture and movies!. These media are shaped, crafted and completed over a period of time!. Once done, they are available for display and interpretation by the viewer!.

Music, on the other hand, is primarily a live, in the moment art form!. Recording and filming are other media concepts!.

Selection of medium is an important choice for artist to express in their work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Medium is the material with which you make the art!. For example 'oil on canvas' is a medium which means oil paint on canvas!.
Media is the plural of medium!. So if for a work an artist used water color, crayons, and oil paints those are the media!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

itd be the method they used im guessing!. i!.e!. paint, sculpture, pencil!.!.!.etc b;ah blah the list goes onWww@QuestionHome@Com