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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What are some clever ways to keep in touch with friends?

Question: What are some clever ways to keep in touch with friends!?
I would like to know stuff that u like to stuff in an envolope!. Maybe stuff that u can send back and forth!. Something like a surprise every time u get a neew one!. Me and my friend are moving apart and we would love to keep in touch!. thanks and best answer will be picked for the most creative idea!. thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What about a CD you created that plays a slide show of the things you're going to talk about with photos of what you're talking about, if you get what I mean!? Like if you're talking about a party, up pops photos of the party along with your voice-over talking about it!. Useful if you take a lot of photos!.Www@QuestionHome@Com