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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How can i fix this blurry photo?

Question: How can i fix this blurry photo!?

Thanks heaps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I had some time, so I went ahead and did it for you!. I hope you like it!


You'll have to use Photoshop, nothing else will quite cut it!.
1!. Use the Lasso tool (It looks like a lariat) and make a rough selection of the blurred portion!.
2!. Go to Select>Feather and enter a number, usually between 2 and 20!. This will soften the edges so that when the blurred part is fixed there are no visible hard edges!.
3!. Copy the blurred portion to a new layer -either use Edit>Copy and Edit> Paste, or use the shortcut Ctrl+J!.
4!. Go to Filter>Other>High Pass!. Accept the default by clicking OK!.
5!. In the Layers palette, look for a drop-down menu that says "Normal" and change it to either "Overlay" or "Soft Light", depending on your taste!.
Hope that helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can try the Sharpen command in Photoshop, or maybe increase the contrast in that particular area!.Www@QuestionHome@Com