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Question: How do I charge for calligraphy!?
I used to be pretty good at doing calligraphy, and most of the work I did was for family and friends, so I never charged anything!. I did all sorts of things such as poems, wedding invitations, certificates, etc!. Then, I sort of gave up doing it, because I did not have the time!. It has been about 15 years since I have done any calligraphy, but I still have all the pens, inks, papers, etc!.

Well, now, someone from long ago saw something I did for a friend, and they contacted me to do a poem in calligraphy for them!. I do not want to do it for free for this person, because they like to take advantage of my artistic talents (I am an artist)!.

How do I charge for doing the poem in Chancery Cursive!? It is lengthy, and will probably take up 2-3 pages!. Do I charge a flat rate (how much!?), do I charge by the number of characters, number of words, number of lines!? I don't have a clue!. Please share how I can offer a fair price structure, without me charging too much or not enough!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
At least a couple hundred $$$!. If she balks, so be it!. It didn't sound like you really wanted to do it!. At least you want to be paid a fair wage for your time don't you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would definitly charge for your talent!. Now how much is a hard number!. I know calligraphy is not easy!. First I would let this person know that you will be charging them but are unable to decide how much until after the poem is done!.

Next, write out the poem and decide how many hours it took and how much your work was really worth!. Not to mention the supplies and all that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

25-50 CENTS a line!.!.!.!.

depending on how amazing it is!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pricing tends to be regional!. What I can charge in NYC, someone else in Montana could not get!. Is there a calligraphy guild near you!? If so, and if you plan to continue, join!. Get lots of good feedback and training!. Google "Calligraphy and your city or state"!.!.!.see if there are other calligraphers near that post their rates!.
Two ways you can approach this: consider your talent/expertise!. And, second, what is your time worth!? If it will take you a whole day to do it, what do you think is fair charge per hour!? Many calligraphers have minimums and charge $5-$10 per line!. After all, if you get 80% thru it and make mistake, whole thing needs to be re-done!. ouch!.Www@QuestionHome@Com