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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is there a good tablet for under 150$ in existence?

Question: Is there a good tablet for under 150$ in existence!?
I just want a perfect product!. I'm thinking of minoring in graphic design!. I can't afford the 400$ Wacom tablet!.!.!. :(
What do students buy anyway!?

Thanks in advance,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I may be the only one on this forum that will NOT tell you that the bigger tablets are better!.

For some, it may be so, but, I have been extremely happy with my four by five inch Wacom Pen Partner, which I bought, more than four years ago, for less than $100!.

Just last year, I found a DigiPro tablet for may grand kid's computer at a sale price of TWO for $49!. The DigiPro is just a teeny bit smaller than my Wacom, but, functionally, it works just about as good, with features like pen sensitivity and compatibility with all my Adobe applications!.

My suggestion is that you go with an inexpensive, smaller tablet untill you figure out when, and IF you need to go larger!. After all, no matter what size tablet one uses, we ALL have to ZOOM IN, sometimes, for the detail work!

In fact, the only advantage a larger size tablet MAY offer me is some onboard tools like the function keys that are, otherwise, on my keyboard!.

I don't know if they still have that sale price, but check out the Computer Geeks website at:


i have a $100 wacom tablet it's not that big but i love it =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well if you want a perfect product!. don't settle for less but it's
$150 not 150$!.Www@QuestionHome@Com