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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Tips for taking a really High quality photo.?

Question: Tips for taking a really High quality photo!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First off it depends on the camera!. SLR cameras are better than Point and shoot cameras!.
High megapixels allow for better images and better color!.
Shutter speed affects an image:
-the higher the shutter speed the more light camera will take in and the more movement you can capture in the image
- the lower the shutter speed the less light is taken in and the less movement you will capture (good for taking pictures of sports when you don't want a blur due to movement)
Pay attention to the lighting of the subject matter and how the lighting affects the mood of the image!.
Make sure that your camera settings are for large format printing!. The larger you can print the image, the better!. You don't want to have a really lovely image that you took at only 180 dpi (or to be printed around 8x10'') and then you go to print it larger and it is pixelated because of a poor format!.
Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with all of the above!. What counts is how you work with the light you have available at the time!. While an expensive camera can be useful it isn't necessary for taking great pictures!. The most important component of any camera is the person using it, that is in this case you, and their "eye"!. The only way to develop a good "eye" is constant practice!. Take as many photos as you can in as many light conditions as you can!. Practice may not always make perfect, but it certainly helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A good camera would help but like what other people have mentioned, you need good lighting!. It's also helpful to have the right setting on your camera for what you're taking pictures of, I'm pretty sure YouTube has some video tutorials on what setting you should have your camera when photographing different things, have a look there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All of the above are correct!.
Make sure you have a clearly identifiable subject
Find some way to focus attention on the subject
a!. placement in the frame
b!. selective focus
c!. large in the frame small in the frame
d!. hyper focal
e!. place your subj in some type of framing device!.
Any other way you can think of!

Make sure your exposure is dead on every time
Use a tripod
Think about your shot and set it up first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Technical issues aside, sometimes it's not what you photograph it's when!. As has already been said concentrate on the Light!.


light light and light and objects don't always need to be centered in the middle of the photograph!.Www@QuestionHome@Com