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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What are the pixel dimensions and contrast levels of this image?

Question: What are the pixel dimensions and contrast levels of this image!?
What are the
- pixel dimensions
- contrast levels
- true image size
- image dimension value!?
of this image http://img225!.imageshack!.us/img225/341/h!.!.!.
also what is the origin of any variation between the true image size and the image dimension value!?

In addition what's these values stand for in the bottom corner of paint shop pro, "256 x 256 x 16 million, 384KBytes"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The image is 256 pixel x256 pixels at 72dpi at 16,000,000 colors and in size is 384 Kbytes,

PS From the condition of the cervical vertebra this is probably a teenager or young adult!. There is no stenosis of the spinal column!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The image you link to is 256 X 256 pixels and 11,853 bytes!.

The contrast levels can be viewed in any image viewer with a histogram function!.

The true image size is 256 X 256 pixels -- the print size can be anything!.

No idea what the "image dimension value" is!.

No idea about the variation!.

The values are the image size in pixels, the number of possible colours, and the file size!.
