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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What type of art style is this work of mine?

Question: What type of art style is this work of mine!?
If it does not fall under any, do you know of any similiar artists/ artwork!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i might answer your question with one!.!.!.do you feel there are any artists that have influenced you!.!.!.if your answer is none then you are most unique!. your answer might lead you to answering your own question!. I would like to add that I was very impressed in the way you were able to hold your dark passage unbroken through out the picture!. This is an old devise which enables the viewers eye to travel through your image gracefully with out distraction!.!.!.if your subject matter had been angry ,confrontational this would have been a mistake as here you would want the eye to bounce back and forth having difficulty leaveing the pictureWww@QuestionHome@Com

i'd say digital art - photomanipulation!. btw it looks awesome XDWww@QuestionHome@Com

digital artWww@QuestionHome@Com