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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do you finish your sketchbooks?

Question: Do you finish your sketchbooks!?
I never finish my sketchbooks!. I was just looking through them and the last few pages are always blank!. Does anyone else do that!? and what do you think it means!?
Does it mean i'm incapable of finishing stuff!? It's like I physically can't do it- i just stop drawing (like i lose any will or inspiration to draw) until i get a new book and then sure enough the last few pages of the next one never get filled!.
Weird!. I don't know why!. Any theories!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nope, never do!. I always get new sketchbooks regardless if my old one is finish or not!.

I guess you just have more of a drive when you start new rather than continue with something old!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do that all the time and I can't really put my finger on it!.

I kinda forget that I haven't finished my current sketchbook and just go buy a new one!.

Maybe it's artist's block!? For me, I can't even go half and yeah!.!. probably because you feel the previous works are just depressing and you go start getting a new one until you look back and feel depressed again!.

Well, it doesn't sound like you're depressed so I'm not sure!. Maybe you're eager to get another sketchbook :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Some people leave the last few pagers in order to write notes to themselves about the work!. Others just feel it is an aesthetic choice!.!.!.!. it "looks" good!. Your sketch book becomes the conduit for your imagination and creativity, and learning from those parts of your mind is really the most important element!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think's its psychological!. When you get a new sketchbook, you're all excited about the drawings you will create and so on!. When you're down to the last pages of a used sketchbook, you loose that creative enthusiasm!.

That's just my opinion though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes I do but I keep on working on my sketchbook!. Evey day now because I want to the best that I can be and you should too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes , i finish my sketchbookWww@QuestionHome@Com